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For Reflection: Is not wanting to master But to serve

For reflexion

If I want to succeed
To bring a man towards a certain goal
I have to start finding out where he is.
And just start there

The one who cannot do that
Fools himself
When he thinks he can help others

To be able to help someone
I certainly have to know more
But first of all
I have to know what he understands

If I can't do that
It will not help that I can and know more

If I still want to show how much I can
it is because I am vain and arrogant
And actually want te be admired of the other
Instead of helping him

All genuine helpfulness
Starts with being humble before the one I want to help
And I have to understand
That helping
Is not wanting to master
But to serve
If I Can't do that
I am incapable of helping anyone

Sören Kirkegaard 1813 - 1855

Hoe lopen we met elkaar op het duurzame pad, door écht naar elkaar te luisteren.
Ik wil soms te snel, voel de urgentie, .... ik zal luisteren ;-)

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