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it is capitalism itself which is collapsing.

Occupy Wereldwijd - nader toegelegd.

Occupy Amsterdam is een actie in samenwerking met de #globalchange en #occupywallstreet demonstraties. Wij willen door een vreedzame demonstratie de aandacht op een lijst onderwerpen vestigen.
We nodigen iedereen uit om met ons naar oplossingen te zoeken en met ons een verbetering te bewerkstelligen! Vooruitgang, vooruitstreven, samenwerken en bewustwording zijn de sleutelwoorden van deze demonstraties.

Achtergrondinformatie: it is capitalism itself which is collapsing.
There is barely a corner of the globe that has not been touched by the current financial meltdown.
But a senior sociology scholar at Yale University thinks the crisis is far wider than the economic crash
- it is capitalism itself which is collapsing. ­Immanuel Wallerstein explained his theory to RT.

"Karl Marx, whom he follows in emphasizing underlying economic factors and their dominance over ideological factors in global politics, and whose economic thinking he has adopted with such ideas as the dichotomy between capital and labor, the view of world economic development through stages such as feudalism and capitalism,
belief in the accumulation of capital, dialectics and more;
French historian Fernand Braudel, who had described the development and political implications of extensive networks of economic exchange in the European world between 1400 and 1800;
Dependency theory, most obviously its concepts of "core" and "periphery"; and — presumably — the practical experience and impressions gained from his own work regarding post-colonial Africa."

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